ACE-Conference Sweden 2018 (Frösön i Sweden)

Här hittar du information om ACE-Conference Sweden 2018. Du kan eventuellt se öppettider, adress, karta, hemsida, telefonnummer och andra kontaktuppgifter. Den här platsen har visats 46 gånger och uppdaterades senast kl. 14:43 den 28 juli år 2021.



The International Center for Clinical Excellence (ICCE) is an international community
specifically designed to support helping professionals, agency directors, researchers,
and policy makers improve the quality and outcome of behavioral health service via
the use of ongoing consumer feedback and the best available scientific evidence.
The ICCE launched in December 2009 and is the fastest growing online community
dedicated to excellence in clinical practice. &

This is ICCEs third ACE-Conference. The first one was in Kansas, USA, the second 2103 in Amsterdam and now 2018 in Östersund, Sweden, hosted by Vision HVB. Niklas Waitong, Senior Supervisor at Vision HVB Östersund will be responsible for the conference. ICCE has apointed a scientific committe to guide and support the work with the conference.

The members of the committe are;
Scott Miller
Cynthia Maeschalck
Rob Axen
Liz Pluut
Kerstin Öquist
Ulla Hansson
Annika Helgadottir Davidsen
Christian Möller
Niklas Waitong

Vision HVB is a private company with six small treatment centres, halfwayhouse, 10 foster homes and also working with education, training, supervision, evaluation and assessment.


Måndag: 09:00 - 16:00
Tisdag: 09:00 - 16:00
Onsdag: 09:00 - 16:00
Torsdag: 09:00 - 16:00
Fredag: 09:00 - 16:00
Lördag: 11:00 - 16:00
Söndag: 11:00 - 16:00


Vision HVB, Öneslingan 5

83251 Frösön





Telefon: 0046705401168




Närliggande platser

Frösö Strand (34 m)
Frösö Hälsocentral (74 m)
Folktandvården, Frösön (79 m)
Statens Servicecenter (153 m)
Friskis&Svettis Östersund (176 m)
Restaurang Sundet (207 m)
Frivild Städ AB (243 m)
Frösögrillen (442 m)
Sibylla Frösön (442 m)
Restaurang Pizzeria Spader Dam (532 m)

Närliggande orter

Frösön (1,3527 km)
Östersund (1,9769 km)
Marieby (6,6210 km)
Ås (9,0812 km)
Ope (9,2215 km)
Orrviken (10,7590 km)
Optand (11,2106 km)
Brunflo (15,2238 km)
Dvärsätt (16,3049 km)
Krokom (19,1782 km)

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