Loving Heart Łukasz Puchalski Massage Studio (Sarpsborg i Norway)

Här hittar du information om Loving Heart Łukasz Puchalski Massage Studio. Du kan eventuellt se öppettider, adress, karta, hemsida, telefonnummer och andra kontaktuppgifter. Den här platsen har visats 38 gånger och uppdaterades senast kl. 15:11 den 27 juli år 2021.



,,Loving Heart,, Łukasz Puchalski Massage Studio is my personal initiative aimed at helping people who, like me, are intended to be happy and free.

My activity consists in making massage and body work. For this purpose, I use three types of massage(classic,lomi lomi,maori) which I am pleased to still humbly recognize and develop in me thanks to the trust and love of other people.

Every my massage is different and unique as each of us :) Matching ruthlessly to the needs of the person who is subjected to body work.

It is a beautiful but hard work that allows us to free ourselves from unnecessary tension and ballast.

We always have a choice :) I invite you to work together with me on our healthy and free Body and Spirit :)

Lukas Puchalski ,,Loving Heart,,


Classical Massage: Therapeutic massage recommended in case of tensions and pains related to daily work and life. Performed for the whole body or individual parts. The duration from 30 to 90 minutes.

Lomi Lomi Massage: Hailing from Hawaii, very good relaxing and therapeutic massage, recommended in the case of accumulation of tensions on the background of stress. Whole body is massaged. The duration about 120 minutes.

Maori massage: originating from New Zealand, very strong and intense therapeutic massage. Recommended for people working on themselves and want to get rid of the mental ballast and tensions. Massage is performed on different parts of the body. The duration about 90 minutes.



Måndag: 09:00 - 18:00
Tisdag: 09:00 - 18:00
Onsdag: 09:00 - 18:00
Torsdag: 09:00 - 18:00
Fredag: 09:00 - 18:00
Lördag: 09:00 - 18:00


Pellygata 57

1706 Sarpsborg Sarpsborg




Telefon: 0047 916 659 02




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